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Successful Leadership - Team Motivation

Since agent motivation strongly impacts customer satisfaction, it is critical that your staff remains happy and motivated. This course introduces motivational theories and provides practical strategies and techniques to create an enjoyable working environment and motivate your frontline staff.

  • Supervision
  • 55 min

What Learners will learn

  • Identify strategies for providing guidance and support
  • Describe the key components of an effective reward and recognition system
  • List the important factors in implementing a new motivational program or contest
  • Recognize the implications of using individual versus team rewards
  • Identify new ideas to implement in their own center for improved performance and retention

Who should take this?

  • Anyone that manages and supports frontline staff in a contact center
  • Supervisors, team leaders, team managers, coaches, and call center managers

Course Outline

  • Identifying Basic Motivational Principles
  • Understanding Recognition Principles, Techniques, Errors, and Application Tips
  • Utilizing Rewards
  • Offering Guidance and Support
  • Creating a Sense of Belonging
  • Promoting Personal and Professional Development
  • Incorporating Fun Activities
  • Final Exam


Self-paced e-learning containing an engaging mix of video, narratives, scenarios, and self-assessments.

The Successful Leadership - Team Motivation course is designed by call center experts to provide a practical and engaging learning experience. Start today.